Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Incident in Indian history Essay Example for Free
Incident in Indian history Essay There is a very famous incident in Indian history which serves as lesson for all rulers for all the times, some rulers take positive cues from it, mend their ways, treat themselves as servants of public and keep public interest above theirs while others who are drunk with power and arrogant in behavior, refuse to learn anything, become another example in long list of individuals whose name pops up when there is a talk about how common masses dislodged the ruling class from the throne. The incident is about a corrupt rulerââ¬â¢s abuse and insult of a honest, patriotic and intelligent Sanyasi. The Sanyasi takes a vow to uproot the mighty corrupt ruler and after few years gets success in his mission. The Sanyasi had honesty, integrity, patriotism few good followers as his asset and we still know that period of Indian history as golden period. You might have got the idea till now, the mighty corrupt ruler was Dhananand and the Sanyasi was Shri Vishnugupt, whom we know as Chankya. Chankyaââ¬â¢s worthy student Chandragupta, after he conquers Magadh, also frees the motherland from clutches of foreigners. This incident came to my mind when I saw how, one year ago, the corrupt members of a particular party heaped insult after insult on a patriotic Sanyasi, who was just demanding the return of our ill-gotten money from foreign land and end of corruption in India. The corrupts were sp afraid of saffron cloths of the Sanyasi that they had to arrest him in night at 2 am, that too after talking to him and giving him assurance that they will act on his demands. But the Sanyasi wanted a concrete action from the corrupt thugs and was hoping against the hope that they will issue an ordinance on declaring the black money as national asset and those who have stashed away that money would be declared as criminals and given very hard punishment. He wanted the corrupt thugs to issue the ordinance as he has seen how they have been fooling the Anna Hazare and his team on JanLokpal bill. Itââ¬â¢s for all of you to see how the government hasnââ¬â¢t passed the bill toll today, even after promising the moon. If the corrupts wanted it, they could have done that but this would have given them so much trouble because many times its they and their close ones who have stashed the black money abroad and involved in all corruption scandals. You canââ¬â¢t expect a thief to pass a law for his own punishment. The corrupt ruling class had to act against their loved ones after such law is passed and Indian public too, which has become aware about all the wrong doings and its effect on them, would pressurize them to act. The Supreme Court which is now acting as very much independent agency, as envisioned in constitution of India, would have got the corrupt thugs in more trouble. All these 65 years the corrupt people of political class, specially the party which ruled us the most, have looted this nation systematically. Itââ¬â¢s them and their close one who has billions of dollars stashed away in foreign banks. This is making them so nervous that they wonââ¬â¢t allow this to happen otherwise their queen bee will be exposed too and public in this information age would be able to see how systematically this Gandhi Nehru clan and its cronies have looted our nation. Thatââ¬â¢s why the ruling class started bribing the whole nation through easy money making mass bribing schemes such a farmer loan waiver scheme or the bigger scandal in form of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guaranty Scheme. These mass bribery schemes have helped the corrupts to win elections but have given a big financial burden on tax payers like me and our economic progress is slowing down because of such nonproductive schemes. The ruling class knows that Indians suffer from short term memory loss. They know that Indians would just forget what these corrupt thugs have been doing now and as central elections are 2 years away, they can make fool of Indians again and through some mass bribery scheme, fanning communal violence and minority appeasement they can dream of coming to power again. These corrupt thugs donââ¬â¢t have long term wellbeing of India in mind and are just focused on short term gain of winning elections by hook or crook and punishing the patriots of this land to appease certain section of minorities, hiding the orruption and ego massaging of certain individuals. They tried it all in recent UP elections but itââ¬â¢s for the world to see how the Prince charming whole extended Gandhi clan along with great sadist Digvijay Singh failed miserably to keep even the assembly constituencies of Raibareli Amethi with grand old corrupt party. I just canââ¬â¢t believe that the Congress Party once had Sardar Patel and Subhash Chndra Bose as its members. Their souls must be suffering with pain and thinking that why at all they wanted freedom from British? If you donââ¬â¢t even have right to sit on peaceful protest and the administration can still beat up the hungry and thirsty sleeping children, women and elderly men, in middle of night than what kind of freedom and democracy is this? Donââ¬â¢t you think that the incident which happened with Baba Ramdev his supporters a year ago brings sad memory of Jaliawala bagh back to your mind? The situation was same, all people were doing just peaceful protest and General Dyre, a foreigner, ordered his Indian policemen to fire and kill people. The Indian policemen in his command didnââ¬â¢t even hesitate to kill their own peaceful countrymen and this time you have Italian, a foreigner, ordering the same thing on sleeping innocent countrymen in middle of night. The cunning politician who calls Osama Bin Laden as Osama Ji, visits the home of terrorists and cast doubts on security forces of India has guts to call a patriotic Sanyasi as thug and we all just listen, smile and look away as if itââ¬â¢s not your or mine problem. What kind of people we have become? Just imagine if these corrupt thugs can do such lowly acts with such an extraordinary individual as Baba Ramdev, what they could do to us or what they have been doing with this nation all these years? I donââ¬â¢t have any hesitation in saying that Congress party is root of all evils of India as they ruled India the most. They had golden chance of shaping Indiaââ¬â¢s destiny at independence but Nehru was too westernize to think for Indian way solution. So we still have many laws which are prevalent from 1890s too, its hard to believe but its truth. If, in front of our eyes and in this information age they have been able to do scams of such a greater magnitude as Coalgte, 2G spectrum scam, Adarsh Society Scam, Food grain scam, insulting a honest patriotic army chief and many more such things, than just think what they have been doing in past? Infact the corruption started in 1947 itself by doing Geep scandal. I feel sometimes that this party is just meant for looting and siphoning away Indiaââ¬â¢s wealth like the way British did for 200 years. The Nehru Gandhi Clan and many congressmen, by being close to Britishers, knew and perfected the art of divide rule and siphoning money and stashing away in foreign lands. Its because of people like these the tolerant Hindus are becoming violent in their thoughts and trying to avenge the humiliation of Bharat Mata and fellow Hindus. I think they are still thinking that young educated mass in India donââ¬â¢t matter as we donââ¬â¢t go for voting and are just arm chair or cyber activists. I know there is some truth in it and may be they may again get away with it. But I know one thing for sure that all these agitations by likes of Anna Hazare Baba Ramdev are atleast making people aware of what kind of corrupt people are ruling us. In long run this awareness will help in making India a better democracy. I urge all nationalistic like-minded Indians to start speaking and telling truth whenever wherever they get chance. We need to awaken the mass. I try to do it whenever I am in any public place such as trains, buses, local transports, in social gatherings, office talks with colleagues. I prefer travelling in sleeper class of train many times so that I get the chance to meet more and more people and make them understand the challenges in front of the nation. I make sure that everybody understands the point of view and urge them to vote in every election. I take their pledge that they will vote in all elections. It doesnt matter whom they vote for but they should vote as itââ¬â¢s the only way we can play part in building India. This is the war of Kurukshetra, you canââ¬â¢t remain neutral in this war, and you have to pick a side. By being neutral I mean that not voting and going on for picnic on voting day is not an option anymore. You will get the government that you deserve and I donââ¬â¢t think we deserve to be ruled by the current bunch of corrupts whose name is there in different big corruption scandals. If the educated middle class doesnââ¬â¢t rise to the occasion than again the next government will be decided by the people for whom the caste religion and free food or money for one day is enough for making voting choices. In recent elections you might have seen how they seized liquor money from candidates which was meant for distribution among voters. The poor illiterate village masses have been shackled so long in barriers of castes, religion, food money that they many times miss the bigger picture. So until the educated middle class who are affected by everyday corruption doesnââ¬â¢t take pledge to do the voting seriously, I donââ¬â¢t see much chance of improving the situation in India. I know we all common Indians are not like sun which can remove the darkness in one go but we are like small diyas which when placed together, have the best chance of outshining the sun. I urge all like-minded Indians to step up their protests wherever they can. It may be through blogs, through open talks, at hotels where you go for lunch or dinner, at parks, students can do it in their campus, if electronic print media isnââ¬â¢t doing its work and many times acting as B team of this corrupt rule than we have to play our part in saving this nations soul. If we donââ¬â¢t register our protest, the corrupt ruling class will feel that we donââ¬â¢t care about our nation and just busy with earning our money and living our life casually. its upto us now, we have to show them through our deeds that we are still awake and wonââ¬â¢t tolerate the looting of common wealth anymore. They had played with pride of a Sanyasi who doesnââ¬â¢t want anything for himself. He has enough fame through his good deeds. He has enough resources to sustain himself for life long. He is not having any immediate family which is getting benefitted out of his fame. He is a patriotic Sanyasi like Chankya and the foreigner controlled ruling class should know what happened after a corrupt thug insulted and humiliated an honest and patriotic Sanyasi. Although I donââ¬â¢t agree with some of the points which Baba Ramdev is insisting on such a removal of big currency notes and having all education in Hindi other regional languages or bringing Dalit Christians Muslims under reservation. But his other issues are worthy causes for which we have to raise our collective voice. The ruling class is playing with a simple honest individual like Anna Hazare, who is asking nothing for himself and making a fool of him every day by one lie or another. They had played with pride of an honest army General and maligned his character by all possible means. On other hand the likes of Rajas, Chidambaram, Dayanidhi Maran, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Sharad Pawar are having time of their life and they are busy in inventing new ways of looting the public money. If we want this to be stopped than I urge you to play your part in making of this nation. It would be really late if we keep silence and allow the corrupt to play their dirty games. I think Baba Ramdev has chosen 3rd June for starting his protest as because its an historical date on which Nehru, Mountbatten Jinnah agreed to divide India on religious lines. The time has come again to fight for the cause of India and keep it united by chants of Vande Mataram. I sincerely believe that we Indians deserve much better government so that our future generations can live with pride in developed India.
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